Committee Advances DHS Reauthorization Bill

WASHINGTON – The Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee on Wednesday advanced a bill that would reauthorize the Department of Homeland Security. The bill improves national security, provides for better accountability and strengthens cybersecurity. The Department has not been reauthorized since its inception in 2002. The House passed its version of the DHS authorization legislation on July 20, 2017. All amendments were accepted by voice unless otherwise noted.

Chairman Johnson on the DHS bill:

“Passing the Department of Homeland Security Authorization Act is an important step to strengthen DHS and to establish a process for regular authorizations so that Congress clearly defines the Department’s responsibilities and authorities over time to evolve and address emerging threats,” said Johnson. “This bill now includes a key reorganization for DHS, transforming the National Protection and Programs Directorate into the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency. Establishing an agency within DHS to focus on cyber and infrastructure security will help DHS achieve its missions. This bill also codifies and authorizes key roles and responsibilities for the Department’s headquarters offices, strengthens the Department’s approach to managing its acquisition programs, and addresses recommendations from watchdogs like the Government Accountability Office and the Inspector General to improve the Department’s management and performance. It is my hope that my Senate colleagues will quickly take up and pass this important legislation.”

Ranking Member McCaskill on the DHS bill:

“Ever since it was created following the 9/11 attacks, the Department of Homeland Security has played a critical role in our national security, from counterterrorism efforts to border security to disaster preparedness,” McCaskill said. “When it comes to keeping Missourians and all Americans safe, there’s no room for politics—and I was glad that the Committee worked together today on a bipartisan and responsible basis to reauthorize the Department for the first time.”


  1. H.R. 2825, Department of Homeland Security Authorization Act.

Managers Package (voted by voice, en bloc)

The committee business meetings relating to the DHS authorization bill can be found below:

