Committee Advances OPM Nominees, Legislation to Repeal Failed Obamacare Program and Require Transparency in Agency Rule Making

WASHINGTON – U.S. Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.), chairman of the Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee, and members of the committee advanced two Office of Personnel Management (OPM) nominees, legislation to terminate Obamacare’s failing Multi-State Plan program, and legislation to require agencies to be fully transparent regarding rulemaking for small businesses around the country by posting all regulatory guidance on their website. All bills were passed by voice unless otherwise noted.

Sen. Johnson on eliminating Multi-State Plan program:

“This Obamacare mandate is the definition of government waste. The program has failed to meet statutory requirements and is diverting necessary resources from what should be the Office of Personnel Management’s priorities, such as retirement and security backlogs. Congress needs to let the OPM focus on its job, eliminate this failed program and work to ensure health care is more affordable for all Americans.”

Sen. Johnson on the GOOD Act:

“In addition to facing onerous federal regulations, American businesses are also expected to follow regulatory guidance issued by agencies. Yet unlike the public rule-making process for regulations, federal agencies are not required to disseminate guidance broadly to the public for input, making it hard for businesses and industry groups to monitor the rules they will have to work under. This bill will lift the veil of secrecy by requiring federal agencies to post regulatory guidance documents in a centralized location on their websites.  This common sense bill would provide much needed transparency to American businesses and consumers.”  


1. Nomination of Jeff T.H. Pon to be director, Office of Personnel Management;

2. Nomination of Michael Rigas to be deputy director, Office of Personnel



1. S. 2221, Repeal Insurance Plans of the Multi-State Program Act of 2017; Vote: 10 yea and 3 no

2. S. 2296, Guidance Out Of Darkness Act;

3. S. 2400, GAO Audit Mandates Revision Act of 2018;

4. S. 2113, Construction Consensus Procurement Improvement Act of 2017;

5. S. 2349, Improve Data on Sexual Violence Act;

6. S. 2413, Bridge Contract Transparency and Accountability Act of 2018;

7. S. 2178, Inspector General Recommendation Transparency Act of 2017;

8. H.R. 2229, All Circuit Review Act.

Twenty-two postal naming bills on the agenda can be found here.


