CBP Detention Facility Conditions Discussed at HSGAC Hearing

WASHINGTON  The Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee discussed the conditions at CBP detention centers, and changes needed to ensure that we are able to provide a safe and sanitary environment for children while still securing our border.

“For more than a year and a half, officials at the Department of Homeland Security and throughout the Trump Administration have been warning that the migration crisis at our southern border is overwhelming our system. Their warnings have been blunt: children have been and continue to be at serious risk,” noted Sen. Johnson in his opening statement. “Given this flow, no one should be surprised that Border Patrol stations are well beyond their capacity. Border Patrol stations are simply not designed to hold families and children in custody, and certainly not at these numbers. Rather than point fingers at the brave men and women of DHS, who have done their best with the limited resources we have provided them, members of Congress should be acting on legislation to solve the underlying problems.”

Video of the hearing is available here.

