Washington, D.C. – The Merit Systems Protection Board presented Senator Daniel K. Akaka with an honorary Theodore Roosevelt Award yesterday for his “dedicated service and lasting contributions to the Federal merit systems and Federal workforce.”
“I am honored by this award from the Merit Systems Protection Board, one of the most important government agencies for federal employees,” said Senator Akaka. “The laws the board enforces serve as key protections for the federal workforce while increasing government accountability. I am proud of our accomplishments for America’s dedicated public servants, and I am so pleased the MSPB will be here to continue its important work long into the future.”
Senator Akaka, the Chairman of the Senate Subcommittee on Oversight of Government Management, the Federal Workforce, and the District of Columbia, chaired a hearing yesterday entitled “A Review of the Office of Special Counsel and the Merit Systems Protection Board,” at which MSPB Chairman Susan Grundmann and Special Counsel Carolyn Lerner testified.