According to the Office of Personnel Management’s (OPM) Budget Justification for fiscal year 2009, more than half of the federal government’s employees will become eligible for retirement in the next ten years and approximately 40 percent of the federal workforce is expected to retire. The Chief Human Capital Officers Council is working with Federal agencies to develop the best practices for hiring, succession planning, and strategic human capital plans to address this crisis. However, many candidates continue to complain about the difficult process for entry into federal government jobs, despite OPM’s efforts to improve the recruitment and hiring process. The hearing will examine the challenges of the recruiting and hiring processes for federal government jobs.
Director of Strategic Issues
Government Accountability Office
Deputy ASsociate Director
Talent and Capacity Policy Center, Strategic Human Resource Policy Division, Office of Personnel Management
Acting Director
Office of Policy and Evaluation, Merit Systems Protection Board
Chief Human Capital Officer
Nuclear Regulatory Commission
National President
American Federation of Government Employees
National President
National Treasury Employees Union
President and Chief Executive Officer
Partnership for Public Service
Federal Sector Programs, Hewitt Associates LLC
U.S. Senate Committee on Homeland Security & Governmental Affairs
340 Dirksen Senate Office Building Washington, DC, 20510
(202) 224-4751