WASHINGTON – The Senate sponsors of comprehensive and bipartisan cybersecurity legislation on Monday announced new support from the Online Trust Alliance (OTA), which said the bill, Protecting Cyberspace as a National Asset Act, S. 3480, would “enhance the security of the nation’s critical infrastructure and internet economy, while benefiting citizens with an enhanced level of online trust, confidence and privacy protections.”
Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee Chairman Joe Lieberman, ID-Conn., Ranking Member Susan Collins, R-Me., and Federal Financial Management Subcommittee Chairman Thomas Carper, D-Del., welcomed a letter from Craig Spiezle, Executive Director of Online Trust Alliance. In the letter, Spiezle said: “We believe it (the legislation) offers a comprehensive and balanced framework without forcing mandates and regulations on the private sector. OTA looks forward to working with the Committee including the private sector and NGO community in advancing this bill and implementation of key sections including but not limited to:
1. Development of the National Cybersecurity Advisory Council;
2. Promote best practices, guidelines and other important information relating to the use and adoption of key measures;
3. Aid in the development of curriculum and training;
4. Foster partnerships and facilitate collaboration with government and the private sector;
5. Develop and implement outreach and awareness programs.”
In its mission statement, OTA says it seeks to create and promote business practices and technologies to enhance online trust and the vitality of e-commerce and online services. Formed in late 2004 to help combat email deception and online abuse, OTA is now a global, non-profit representing the Internet community. OTA goals include supporting user choice and controls, protection of critical infrastructure, privacy and data governance, promotion of interactive marketing best practices, and balanced legislation and self-governance.
The OTA letter is the latest in a series of endorsements for S. 3480, the Senators’ cybersecurity legislation, from a number of leading IT advocacy groups and technology leaders, including Microsoft.
For additional testimonials about S. 3480, please click here: http://hsgac.senate.gov/public/?FuseAction=home.CybersecurityReaction