Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee Approves 13 Bills

WASHINGTON The Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee approved 13 bills Wednesday, including legislation to provide transparency and accountability for government union use of official time, a border enforcement task force bill and the TSP Modernization Act.

Bills were passed by voice vote unless otherwise noted.


1. S. 1584, to amend the Ethics in Government Act of 1978 to reauthorize the Judicial Conference of the United States to redact sensitive information contained in financial disclosure reports of judicial officers and employees, and for other purposes;

2. S. 873, TSP Modernization Act of 2017;

3. S. 288, Regulatory Predictability for Business Growth Act of 2017; (Held over until next markup)

4. S. 886, DHS Acquisition Review Board Act of 2017;

5. S. 906, Reducing DHS Acquisition Cost Growth Act;

                McCain amendment 1

6. S. 1199, Border Enforcement Security Task Force Reauthorization Act of 2017;

                Johnson amendment 1

                Heitkamp amendment 1 as modified

7. S. 938, Procurement Fraud Prevention Act;

8. S. 1208, Strengthening the Department of Homeland Security Secure Mail Initiative Act;

9. S. Con. Res. 15, expressing support for the designation of October 28, 2017, as “Honoring the Nation’s First Responders Day”;

10. H.R. 1293, to amend title 5, United States Code, to require that the Office of Personnel Management submit an annual report to Congress relating to the use of official time by Federal employees;

11. H.R. 1117, to require the Administrator of the Federal Emergency Management Agency to submit a report regarding certain plans regarding assistance to applicants and grantees during the response to the emergency or disaster;

12. H.R. 1679, FEMA Accountability, Modernization and Transparency Act of 2017;

13. H.R. 195, Federal Register Printing Savings Act of 2017;

14. H.R. 194, Federal Agency Mail Management Act of 2017.

