Johnson Responds to Split Court Ruling Blocking Obama’s Executive Immigration Order

WASHINGTON — Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.), chairman of the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee, responded Thursday to the Supreme Court’s ruling on President Obama’s executive action on immigration, upholding the United States Fifth Circuit Court’s decision. The court split 4-4 on the decision, effectively blocking President Obama’s executive immigration order.

“I’m pleased the lower court’s decision that effectively blocked the president’s executive action granting legal presence and immigration benefits for up to 4 million illegal immigrants has been upheld.  President Obama clearly exceeded his legal authority. The fact that this decision was split speaks to a larger, more depressing issue — the politicization of the Supreme Court.  If the court contained only judges instead of super-legislators, today’s ruling would have been 8-0. This split political decision demonstrates why the American people need to decide the direction of the court through their votes for president and Senate in November.”

