Johnson on Continued DHS Funding Fight

WASHINGTON – Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.) made these remarks today in light of the continued impasse over funding  the Department of Homeland Security:

“The top priority of the federal government is the defense of this nation — keeping America and Americans safe and secure.   Now that the courts have initially ruled against President Obama’s executive actions, all sides should acknowledge the fact that the judicial branch ultimately will decide this issue.  Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson has acknowledged that he must abide by the court’s decision.   If President Obama also would publicly acknowledge that the court ruled against him and agree to defer any action until after the end of this fiscal year, this impasse would come to an immediate end.

“The House has voted to conference with the Senate to resolve any differences between the House and Senate bills that fund the Department of Homeland Security (DHS). Minority Leader Sen. Harry Reid, with apparent White House backing, is preparing tonight to block a conference that offers the best chance of finding a compromise to fund DHS. To end this ridiculous impasse, I am calling on President Obama and Harry Reid to agree to a House-Senate conference and to stop playing politics with our nation’s security.  As chairman of the Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs, I  am asking all my colleagues to end this brinksmanship and accomplish what we all agree on: funding the legal and essential activities of the Department of Homeland Security.”

