Johnson Highlights Committee Accomplishments

WASHINGTON  Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.), chairman of the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee, released a report Thursday highlighting the committee’s work this Congress. The report, “Highlights of Activities of the Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs: Interim Report of the 114th Congress,” focuses on eight policy areas Chairman Johnson and Ranking Member Tom Carper identified as priorities: border and immigration security, cybersecurity, protecting critical infrastructure, protecting the homeland from terrorist threats, reforming the Department of Homeland Security, overseeing the federal government, streamlining the regulatory process, and combating waste, fraud and abuse.

Chairman Johnson’s committee has held more than 100 hearings and roundtables, approved 83 bills, approved or discharged 28 presidential nominees, sent more than 800 letters, and issued 11 staff reports. The committee has worked to limit drug trafficking, enhance federal cybersecurity practices, reduce duplicative programs, address the opioid epidemic, and provide better – quality care for America’s veterans.

“Ranking Member Tom Carper and I developed a mission statement to guide our work: ‘to enhance the economic and national security of America.’ I am proud of the work we did to fulfill that mission,” Johnson said. “Our committee initiated dozens of investigations and oversight inquiries aimed at informing our legislative work, bringing transparency, accountability, and efficiency to the federal bureaucracy. We sent hundreds of letters seeking documents and information about some of the most pressing issues facing our nation—from domestic terrorism to financial security. I look forward to working with my colleagues to carry this work forward as our committee strives to improve the economic and national security of all Americans.”

Johnson’s report can be found here.

