Johnson, Committee Unanimously Approve Michael Missal For VA Inspector General

WASHINGTON — Chairman Ron Johnson (R-Wis.) and the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee approved the nomination of Michael Missal to be the inspector general of the Department of Veterans Affairs on Wednesday. The committee approved Missal’s nomination by voice vote, and the nomination will now go to the floor to be considered by the full Senate. Johnson and Ranking Member Tom Carper (D-Del.) commented after the confirmation vote:

“Our veterans deserve quality care, and that begins with better oversight of the Department of Veterans Affairs,” said Johnson. “I urge my colleagues in the Senate to confirm Mr. Missal as quickly as possible so the VA Office of Inspector General can have permanent, independent leadership.”

Ranking Member Carper said, “Inspectors General play an extremely important role in our government. Their work helps us save money, reveal and prosecute wrongdoing, promote the integrity and efficiency of government, and, hopefully, increase the confidence and faith that the American people have in our government. There are few places where we need this role more than the Department of Veterans Affairs, which has been without a permanent Senate-confirmed IG for more than two years. Michael Missal is well-qualified to fill this role and bring badly-needed leadership and oversight to the VA’s Office of Inspector General. We have a responsibility to our service men and women to provide the resources and care they need when they return home and long after. Confirming Mr. Missal will help us better meet those obligations. I thank him for his willingness to serve and urge my colleagues in the Senate to confirm his nomination quickly so he can go to work on behalf of our veterans and the American people.”

