Johnson bill to quickly sell unneeded federal buildings passes the Senate

WASHINGTON — Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.), chairman of the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee, had this to say following  the passage of H.R. 4465, the Federal Assets Sale and Transfer Act of 2015.  This comprehensive real property reform legislation finally gives the federal government the tools it needs to sell off unneeded real estate without being subject to the bureaucratic red tape that often delays or blocks sales of federal property. 

“With this bill, the federal government can stop wasting money on maintaining unneeded buildings and instead earn some revenue‎ from property sales,” said Johnson.  “This bill is a commonsense good government proposal that has been years in the making. I appreciate the efforts of Ranking Member Carper, Chairman Chaffetz‎, Representative Denham, and all of our House colleagues who came together to pass this reform.”

S. 2375 can be found here.

