Committee Advances Nominees, 14 Bills, Including Legislation to Protect Against Drone Threats and Reform Disaster Recovery

WASHINGTON – U.S. Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.), chairman of the Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee, Ranking Member Claire McCaskill (D-Mo.) and members of the committee advanced two nominees and 14 bills, including legislation to protect against drone threats and a bill that would allow the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) to supplement its workforce with temporary personnel, and fund pre-disaster mitigation projects around the United States. All bills were passed by voice unless otherwise noted.

Senators on the Countering Emerging Threats Act:

“The threats posed by malicious unmanned aircraft are too great to ignore,” said Chairman Johnson. “It is not enough to just tell drone operators not to fly in certain high-risk areas; we must give federal law enforcement the authority to act if necessary. By providing the DOJ and DHS with more tools in their toolbox to keep up with emerging security threats we are working towards our shared goal of a safer and more prosperous America.” 

“Advances in technology improve the lives of all Americans, but those advances can also create new ways for terrorists and other bad actors to attack our country,” Ranking Member McCaskill said. “This bill is about ensuring that we can quickly and responsibly respond to those emerging threats and keep communities and families around the country safe.”


1. Nomination of Kelly A. Higashi to be an Associate Judge, Superior Court of the District of Columbia;

2. Nomination of Emory A. Rounds Ill to be Director, U.S. Office of Government Ethics.


1. S. 2836, Preventing Emerging Threats Act of 2018; 

2. S. 3041, Disaster Recovery Reform Act of 2018;

3. S. 2948, Payment Integrity Information Act of 2018;

4. S. 1204, Post Office Discontinuance Accountability Act of 2017;

5. S. 3047, Opportunities to Provide for Illicit Opioid Interdiction and Detection Act of 2018;

6. S. 3027,Modernizing Congressional Reporting Act of 2018;

7. S. 2374, Stopping Improper Payments to Deceased People Act;

8. S. 3031, Federal Personal Property Management Act of 2018;

9. S. 2397, Department of Homeland Security Data Framework Act of 2018;

10. S. 2896, Justice Against Corruption on K Street Act of 2018;

11. S. 2276, Good Accounting Obligation in Government Act;

12. H.R. 4581, Screening and Vetting Passenger Exchange Act;

13. H.R. 5079, DHS Field Engagement Accountability Act;

14. H.R. 4567, DHS Overseas Personnel Enforcement Act of 2017.

Thirteen postal naming bills on the agenda can be found here.

