Chairman Johnson On FBI Release Of Secretary Clinton Investigation Documents

WASHINGTON — Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.), chairman of the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee, had this to say on Friday after the FBI released documents related to its investigation of former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s use of a private server.

“The document released by the FBI today reinforce my concern that Secretary Clinton’s use of a private email server was reckless and put our nation’s secrets at risk,” said Johnson. “Her extreme carelessness continues to raise concerns. Secretary Clinton personally contributed to the discussion on 11 email chains deemed classified and even emailed directly with President Obama while overseas. Her team ordered its IT contractor to delete emails after the House of Representatives had issued a preservation notice. These are not inconsequential matters. My committee will continue to conduct oversight to ensure that federal records are preserved and our national security is protected.”


Chairman Johnson recently signed onto cover letters with Chairman Smith of the House Science, Space and Technology Committee subpoenaing information from the companies hosting Secretary Clinton’s server.

Chairman Johnson sent a letter on July 6, 2016 to the FBI requesting information regarding the investigation the agency conducted into Secretary Clinton and her private email server.

Chairman Johnson’s oversight letters:

March 18, 2015: Chairman Johnson letter to State Department Inspector General

July 29, 2015: Chairman Johnson letter to David Kendall on Secretary Clinton’s emails

Aug. 11, 2015: Chairman Johnson letter to Platte River Networks on Secretary Clinton’s emails

Aug. 17, 2015: Chairman Johnson letter to FBI Director Comey on Secretary Clinton’s emails

Sept. 8, 2015: Johnson, Grassley letter to Brian Pagliano

Sept. 14, 2015: Johnson, Grassley letter to DOJ on Pagliano immunity

Sept. 16, 2015: Chairman Johnson letter to State Department on Secretary Clinton’s emails

Sept. 16, 2015: Chairman Johnson letter to ODNI on Secretary Clinton’s emails

Sept. 22, 2015:  Chairman Johnson letter to State Department on timeline of Secretary Clinton’s emails

Oct. 5, 2015: Chairman Johnson letter to Datto on Secretary Clinton’s emails

Oct. 5, 2015:  Chairman Johnson letter to SECNAP on Secretary Clinton’s emails

July 5, 2016: Chairman Johnson letter to FBI on Clinton email investigation

July 11, 2016:  Chairman Johnson letters to State, FBI, State OIG, and ODNI about cost of investigation on Secretary Clinton’s emails

