Senator Carper Statement on Presidents Intent to Nominate Michael Missal as Department of Veterans Affairs Inspector General

WASHINGTON – – Today, Sen. Tom Carper (D-Del.), a veteran and ranking member of the Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee, released the following statement regarding President Obama’s intent to nominate Michael Missal as the Department of Veterans Affairs Inspector General:

“As a veteran, I understand the sacrifices that our servicemen and servicewomen and their families have made to defend our country and the freedoms we cherish. We have a responsibility to ensure that our returning heroes have the support and the resources they need when they come home, and to make sure they are taken care of long after. Part of that responsibility includes making sure strong and effective leadership is in place at the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). The most important element in the success of any organization is leadership. That’s why the President’s nomination of Michael Missal as the Inspector General for the Department of Veterans Affairs is such welcome news.

“Over the past several years, the VA and the oversight conducted by its Office of the Inspector General have come under scrutiny. For the past two years, the VA has been operating without a Senate-confirmed inspector general. I have long urged the President to nominate a qualified person to fill this critically important position. Veterans and taxpayers deserve strong and permanent leadership in place to reestablish trust at the Department. Mr. Missal brings a wealth of experience from the private and public sector, and I am eager to meet with him and discuss his qualifications and visions for the office. I look forward to working with my colleagues to consider his nomination in a thorough and timely manner.”
