Senator Carper Reacts to Reports that Russian Government Operatives Attempted to Influence November Elections

WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator Tom Carper (D-Del.), top Democrat on the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee, released the following statement in response to reports that the Russian government directed operatives to launch cyber attacks against U.S. political entities in order to influence the outcome of our presidential elections in November.

“I am deeply disturbed by reports that the Central Intelligence Agency has concluded that foreign operatives directed by the Russian government worked to influence the November presidential elections. Our free, fair and independent election system is the cornerstone of American democracy. Any interference in our elections, whether through targeted hacking of political groups and individuals or through dissemination of false news stories, is absolutely unacceptable and cannot be a partisan issue. I am encouraged by the vocal, bipartisan agreement among my Senate colleagues to work across party and jurisdictional lines in order to fully investigate these reports. Any probe into this matter must be done in an objective and transparent way in order to provide the American people with the answers they deserve.”
