McCaskill to Federal Whistleblowers: You Can Come to Us

WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator Claire McCaskill, the top-ranking Democrat on the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee, today encouraged federal employees, contractors and other workers who have evidence or suspicions of wrongdoing, waste, fraud, abuse or issues of public safety to report it confidentially to the committee, promising to make every effort to protect those who come forward with information.

“Our committee has a long history of listening to and protecting whistleblowers—and I’d encourage anyone in the federal workforce, contractor employees and other protected groups, who knows or suspects illegal or unethical actions to bring it to the committee,” said McCaskill, a former Missouri State Auditor. “Whistleblowers are often the public’s first line of defense and we take our responsibilities toward them very seriously. If you see something wrong in the federal government and are being asked or told to do something unethical or illegal you can and should use us as a resource.”

The Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee has oversight jurisdiction over nearly the entire federal government and has previously conducted successful investigations into government fraud and abuse based on information from federal whistleblowers.

Any federal whistleblower can reach the Committee by email at and by phone at 202-224-2630.

