McCaskill Statement on President Trump Nominee Elaine Duke’s Successful Confirmation as Deputy Secretary of Homeland Security

WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator Claire McCaskill, the top-ranking Democrat on the Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee, issued the following statement after Elaine C. Duke was successfully confirmed to become the Trump Administration’s Deputy Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security by a vote of 85-14.

“Elaine Duke has served successfully under Democratic and Republican administrations and I believe will be in a position to provide a much-needed perspective to the Department of Homeland Security,” McCaskill said. “I was heartened that during her confirmation process she was so committed to being responsive to our committee’s oversight requests and look forward to working with her moving forward.”

Duke’s experience at the Department of Homeland Security includes work in both the Barack Obama and George W. Bush Administrations. During her confirmation hearing on the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee, McCaskill discussed with Duke the importance of fully funding the Coast Guard, aviation security, and other critical national security programs. McCaskill also pressed the nominee on the lack of cost-benefit analyses and funding plans for the Administration’s planned border wall.

