McCaskill Introduces St. Louis Native Emily Murphy for Key Trump Administration Post

WASHINGTON U.S. Senator Claire McCaskill, the top-ranking Democrat on the Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee, introduced St. Louis native Emily Murphy at her Committee nomination hearing today to lead the General Services Administration (GSA). The agency is responsible for the federal government’s purchases, real estate management, and IT systems, and it plays an essential role in eliminating wasteful spending on government contracts.

“The GSA Administrator must be a dedicated public steward of taxpayer funds to ensure the American people get the best value and service for their tax dollars,” said McCaskill, former Missouri State Auditor. “I had the pleasure of meeting Ms. Murphy in person a few weeks ago, where we had a chance to talk about our families, our love of St. Louis and Missouri, as well as challenges ahead for GSA. She has a complete working understanding that managing the federal procurement policy is no small task…and she pledged to create an environment at GSA where all employees feel comfortable reporting waste, fraud, and abuse.”

The Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee has oversight authority over the General Services Administration and other federal agencies, and protecting taxpayer dollars has been a top priority for McCaskill as a Committee leader. Earlier this year, McCaskill-backed bipartisan legislation to crack down on misuse of federal agency travel and purchase cards spending passed the Senate. The Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee has unanimously approved two of her bills with Republican Senator Steve Daines of Montana to eliminate wasteful spending at the U.S. Department of Homeland Security. Recently, the Senate passed a McCaskill-backed bill making it illegal to spend taxpayer dollars on portraits of government officials. McCaskill led an investigation into the General Services Administration under the Obama Administration, helping topple its leaders at the time for waste, fraud, and abuse of taxpayer dollars—including on a conference that cost taxpayers hundreds of thousands of dollars.

