Lieberman Disappointed by Latest Report on Customs and Border Protection

Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee Ranking Member Joe Lieberman, D-Conn., issued the following statement in response to a Department of Homeland Security Inspector General report released today on the ineffectiveness of the Customs and Border Protection Directorate’s efforts to stop suspected terrorists at our borders.

“Often what stands between suspected terrorists entering the country and innocent American life are the nation’s hard-working Customs and Border Protection officers.

“Yet weak leadership at the Department of Homeland Security has left our border protection agents poorly armed to stop terrorist infiltration. The DHS Inspector General’s latest report tells us that CBP has failed to provide its workers with the support they need to stop suspected terrorists from crossing our ports of entry. CBP supervisors lack the authority to make swift and informed decisions about foreign nationals while others lack the security clearances needed to review information about individuals on terrorist watch lists.

“Furthermore, CBP’s traditional work combating illegal drug importation and immigration fraud has dropped off precipitously over the last three years.

“This Administration needs to provide more, not less, to the men and women keeping watch at our borders.”

For the full report, click here.
