Key Panel Gives Unanimous Approval to McCaskill’s Agro-Terrorism Bill

WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator Claire McCaskill, the top-ranking Democrat on the Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee, joined Committee Chairman Ron Johnson of Wisconsin in leading the committee’s first business meeting of the 115th Congress.  The Committee passed a number of McCaskill-backed bills including the Securing Our Agriculture and Food Act.

The bipartisan bill, introduced earlier this month by McCaskill and Republican Senator Pat Roberts of Kansas, addresses the threat of agro-terrorism and mitigates the risks to the food put on tables across the country. The proposed legislation requires the Department of Homeland Security to put in place plans to, for example, protect livestock, limit the spread of contagious diseases, and keep food from being contaminated in the face of terrorist attacks and/or natural disasters.

“We’ve got to be prepared for all types of terrorist threats,” McCaskill said. “This bill is critical to protecting Missouri’s most important industry, and in turn, the health and safety of all Americans. I’m glad to work with Democrats and Republicans alike on this legislation that enhances national security and protects our nation’s farmers.”

In addition to passing the Securing Our Agriculture and Food Act, the Committee advanced additional key McCaskill-backed bills to the Senate floor:

  • The Follow the Rules Act protects workers who refuse to break federal rules and regulations even when they’re directed to by their supervisor.
  • The Office of Special Counsel Reauthorization Act of 2017 increases accountability and expands the Office of Special Counsel’s ability to investigate whistleblower retaliation complaints, in addition to reauthorizing the agency through 2022.

Since she first joined the Senate, McCaskill has been a leading voice for strengthening our military and better protecting Americans from threats at home and abroad. In addition to her role as the top-ranking Democrat on the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee, McCaskill is a senior member of the Senate Armed Services Committee and is the daughter of a World War II veteran. She has played a major role in shaping the annual defense bills, including expanding mental health resources and strengthening the Pentagon’s POW/MIA recover efforts. She’s also led efforts to improve the security clearance process and expand whistleblower protections.

Visit to read more about McCaskill’s efforts to strengthen national security.

