Washington – Senators Chris Dodd (D-CT) and Joe Lieberman (ID-CT) today announced a new federal grant to the Wallingford Fire and Emergency Service Department for $137, 951. The funds, distributed by the Department of Homeland Security’s Assistance to Firefighters Grants program, will enable Connecticut firefighters to strengthen their emergency response capabilities.

“Providing the necessary equipment to Connecticut’s firefighters is critical,” said Dodd. “These brave men and women are on the front lines of emergencies each and every day, and we must ensure they are provided with the proper equipment. I am pleased that the Wallingford Department is receiving these grants which will allow them to continue their remarkable work.”

“Firefighters are our first line of defense in a disaster. We must ensure that our firefighters have the best equipment available so that they can continue to protect our loved ones,” said Lieberman. “I am pleased that these grants will help enhance their ability to perform a vital public service.”

Senators Dodd and Lieberman have a long history of advocating for fire safety. In 2000, Dodd authored and Lieberman cosponsored the FIRE Act, which gives local fire departments the ability to purchase new equipment and initiate education and training programs. In 2003, Dodd authored and Lieberman cosponsored the SAFER Act, a law that gives local fire departments the ability to alleviate critical shortfalls in professional and volunteer personnel. Since the SAFER and FIRE Acts were enacted, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) has distributed 360 grants for a total of more than $35 million in Connecticut.

