Committee Reports Legislation and Nomination

WASHINGTON – Today, Senators Tom Carper (D-Del.) and Tom Coburn (R-Okla.), Chairman and Ranking Member of the Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee, held a business meeting to consider the following legislation:

Presidential Nominations – The following nomination was reported out of Committee by a vote of 9 to 1: Shaun Donovan to be Director, Office of Management and Budget


S. 2521, Federal Information Security Modernization Act of 2014 – Ordered reported favorably by voice vote

This bill would update the Federal Information Security Act of 2002 and address three main problems. It would: better delineate the roles and responsibilities of the Office of Management and Budget and the Department of Homeland Security, move agencies away from paperwork-heavy processes toward real-time and automated security, and would put greater management and oversight attention on real incidents.

S. 2519, National Cybersecurity and Communications Integration Center Act of 2014 – Ordered reported favorably, as amended, by voice vote

  • Johnson amendment adopted by voice vote

This bill would codify the Department of Homeland Security’s cybersecurity operations center and several of its key responsibilities. Codification is necessary to: provide the Department with clear direction from Congress, provide predictability and certainty to the Department so that it can operate more effectively and efficiently, and help the private sector and other stakeholders know exactly what the Department can and cannot do under the law. The National Cybersecurity and Communications Integration Center serves as the Department’s central hub for sharing cybersecurity information.

H.R. 1232, Federal Information Technology and Acquisition Reform Act – Ordered reported favorably, as amended, by voice vote

  • Carper-Coburn substitute amendment adopted by voice vote
  • Carper amendment #2 adopted by voice vote

This bill would give additional responsibilities to CIO’s of governmental agencies, enhance transparency and improve risk management in IT investments, create a government wide software purchasing program and established requirements for the federal data center consolidation initiative.

S. 1691, Border Patrol Agent Pay Reform Act of 2013 – Ordered reported favorably, by a vote of 9-0

  • Tester-McCain substitute amendment adopted by a vote of 9-0
  • Coburn amendment #1 failed by a vote of 6-9
  • Coburn amendment #2, as amended, adopted by voice vote
    • Tester-McCain-Heitkamp 2nd degree amendment adopted by voice vote

This bill would place limits on the amount of overtime pay received by border patrol agents by changing the rules of overtime compensation for Border Patrol agents and civilian employees.

S. 2061, Preventing Conflicts of Interest with Contractors Act – Ordered reported favorably, as amended, by voice vote

  • Tester-McCaskill substitute amendment adopted by unanimous consent

This bill would prohibit contracts or contract extensions with a contractor to conduct a quality review process if the contractor is performing the services to be reviewed.

The following pieces of legislation were ordered reported favorably by the Committee by a voice vote en bloc:

H.R. 4194, Government Reports Elimination Act of 2014 – As amended

  • Carper-Coburn substitute amendment, as modified

This bill would eliminate mandatory reports from the Executive Branch that were previously mandated by Congress.

S. 231, Multinational Species Conservation Funds Semipostal Stamp Reauthorization Act of 2013

This bill would reauthorize the original bill and direct proceeds to specific conservation funds.

S. 1214, All-American Flag Act

This bill would require all American flags acquired by the Federal Government be 100 percent manufactured in the United States from materials that are 100 percent grown or produced  in the United States.

S. 2117, Smart Savings Act  

This bill would make the Thrift Savings Plan the default fund for members of the uniformed services.

Postal Naming Bills The following pieces of legislation were ordered reported favorably by the Committee by a voice vote en bloc:

H.R. 1376, — This bill would designate the facility of the United States Postal Service located at 369 Martin Luther King Jr. Drive in Jersey City, New Jersey, as the “Judge Shirley A. Tolentino Post Office Building.”

H.R. 1813, — This bill would redesignate the facility of the United States Postal Service located at 162 Northeast Avenue in Tallmadge, Ohio, as the “Lance Corporal Daniel Nathan Deyarmin, Jr., Post Office Building.”

S. 2056, — This bill would designate the facility of the United States Postal Service located at 13127 Broadway Street in Alden, New York, as the “Sergeant Brett E. Gornewicz Memorial Post Office.”

S. 2057, — This bill would designate the facility of the United States Postal Service located at 198 Baker Street in Corning, New York, as the “Specialist Ryan P. Jayne Post Office Building.”

