WASHINGTON— Today, Senator Tom Carper (D-Del.), Chairman of the Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee and a senior member of the Environment and Public Works Committee, welcomed the Administration’s launch of the Climate Data Initiative. The initiative, which is part of the President’s Climate Action Plan released in June 2013, seeks to increase transparency and spur innovation in support of climate-change preparedness by making government data more accessible to the American people.
“As technology continues to change and shape our world, the federal government should not lag behind in sharing the valuable data it possesses, especially when this data has the ability to help our states and communities be more resilient when it comes to climate change and extreme weather,” said Chairman Carper. “We’ve already seen the powerful relationship government data and private sector innovation can produce – whether it’s tracking a hurricane’s path or mapping the reach of rising sea levels. Making sure this data is accessible, while adhering to security standards, will make our government more inclusive, provide a valuable return on the taxpayer dollars invested in these programs and mitigation efforts, and can even save lives and property. I encourage our nation’s entrepreneurs and businesses to heed the President’s call to action on this issue and I will continue to work with the Administration to ensure that our government is functioning as an open, efficient entity.”
The President’s Climate Data Initiative builds on Chairman Carper’s efforts to encourage the use of open data in the private sector as well as his ongoing support of methods to mitigate the impact of climate change. In February, Chairman Carper held a hearing, “Extreme Weather Events: The Costs of Not Being Prepared,” which focused on the federal government’s efforts to prepare for extreme weather events, examined the economic benefits of preparing today for disasters tomorrow, and explored opportunities and ideas to make our communities more resilient and save money in the long run.
For more information on the White House’s Climate Data Initiative, please visit: http://www.whitehouse.gov/the-press-office/2014/03/19/fact-sheet-president-s-climate-data-initiative-empowering-america-s-comm. For information on the Climate Action Plan as a whole, please visit: http://www.whitehouse.gov/share/climate-action-plan.