Chairman Carper Statement on Arrest Of Boston Marathon Bombing Suspect

WASHINGTON- Today, Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee Chairman Tom Carper (D-Del.) released the following statement after law enforcement officials took the second suspect in the Boston Marathon bombings into custody:

“Our thoughts are with the people of Boston, and all those across the country and around the world who have been deeply affected by this tragedy over the past week. So many lives have been forever changed by the events of this week. Law enforcement personnel at every level have done a remarkable job pursuing this case and I want to offer my thanks and deep appreciation for their bravery.

“Our hearts go out to the family and friends of the law enforcement officer who was killed in the line of duty last night, as well as the law enforcement officer who was injured in this valiant effort. We are grateful for their selfless efforts to keep us safe and their loss tempers our joy at this outcome.

“I also want to thank the people of Boston who not only cooperated with law enforcement as this event unfolded, but whose extraordinary participation had an important role in this successful arrest. Everyone — from first responders, to law enforcement, to civilians–have pulled together in this all hands on deck effort.

“As the parent of an MIT alumnus who has competed in many athletic events in the Boston area, I know first-hand how special Boston and the surrounding communities are, which has made this attack all the more painful. I know this has been so traumatic for the Boston community and we are all grateful for the relief that accompanies this arrest.

“The perseverance with which this case was pursued is a strong testament to our commitment as a country to bring all those responsible for this horrific act to justice. It’s important to note that while we are encouraged by this arrest, the law enforcement investigation continues and we must remain supportive of that effort.

“Still, I hope the families and friends of victims and the people of Boston can find some solace that justice has begun to be served. As this investigation continues, in my role as Chairman of the Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee, I will do all that I can to help ensure that we learn from this tragedy and do what we can to prevent a similar situation from happening again so we can keep all Americans safe.”
