The Regulatory Improvement Act – S. 981
The Committee held two hearings on the Regulatory Improvement Act, a bill to reform the Federal rulemaking process. The first hearing, held on September 12, 1997, solicited views on the bill as introduced from the Administration, GAO, the National Governors’ Association, the business community, environmental and public interest groups, and experts on the regulatory process. Following this hearing, S. 981 was the subject of extensive discussions with various parties and the Administration, and a substitute bill was introduced in February 1998. This substitute bill was the subject of the Committee’s second hearing on February 24, 1998. Represented at the hearing were State and local officials, various environmental and public interest groups, and experts on the regulatory process.
U.S. Senate Committee on Homeland Security & Governmental Affairs
340 Dirksen Senate Office Building Washington, DC, 20510
(202) 224-4751