Legislation to be considered:
S. 1244, The Truth in Regulating Act;
S. 1198, The Congressional Accountability for Regulatory Information Act with an amendment by Senators Thompson and Lieberman.
S. 59, The Regulatory Right-to-Know Act.
S. 1707, A bill to amend the Inspector General Act of 1978 to make additional Inspectors General presidentially appointed with an amendment by Senators Thompson and Lieberman.
S. 1516, A bill to reauthorize the FEMA Emergency Food and Shelter program.
An original bill, The Reports Elimination and Sunset Act Amendments of 1999.
S. 1503, To reauthorize the Ethics in Government Act of 1978.
H.R. 915, A bill to authorize a cost of living adjustment in the pay of administrative law judges.
Postal Naming Bills
(a) S. 1295, A bill to designate the Post Office located in East Chicago, Indiana as the “Lance Corporal Harold Gomez Post Office.”
(b) H.R. 100, A bill to designate three Postal Service buildings in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania:
the “Roxanne H. Jones Post Office Building”
the “Freeman Hankins Post Office Building”
the “Max Weiner Post Office Building”
(c) H.R. 197, A bill to designate the Postal Service building in Garden City, Kansas as the “Clifford R. Hope Post Office.”
(d) H.R. 1191, A bill to designate four Postal Service facilities in Chicago, Illinois:
the “Cardiss Collins Post Office Building”
the “Otis Grant Collins Post Office Building”
the “Mary Alice (Ma) Henry Post Office Building”
the “Robert LeFlore, Jr. Post Office Building”
(e) H.R. 1251, A bill to designate the Postal Service building in Sandy, Utah as the “Noal Cushing Bateman Post Office Building.”
(f) H.R. 1327, A bill to designate the Postal Service building in Cloverdale, Oregon as the “Maurine B. Neuberger United States Post Office.”
(g) H.R. 1377, A bill to designate the Postal Service facility in Chicago, Illinois as the “John J. Buchanan Post Office Building” with an amendment in the nature of a substitute correcting the address of the facility to be named.
Nominations to be considered:
LeGree Daniels to be a Governor, United States Postal Service.
John Walsh to be a Governor, United States Postal Service.
Sally Katzen to be Deputy Director for Management, Office of Management and Budget.
Joshua Gotbaum to be Controller, Office of Management and Budget.
U.S. Senate Committee on Homeland Security & Governmental Affairs
340 Dirksen Senate Office Building Washington, DC, 20510
(202) 224-4751