Items which the Committee will address at the markup:
1. S. 1214, Federalism Accountability Act, Sens. Thompson, Levin, Voinovich, Robb, Cochran, Lincoln, Enzi, Breaux, Roth, Bayh and Domenici.
2. S. 59, Regulatory Right to Know Act, Sens. Thompson, Breaux, Lott, Stevens, Bond, Voinovich, Landrieu, Robb, Hutchinson, Lincoln.
3. S. 1244, Truth in Regulating Act of 1999, Sens. Thompson, Lincoln, Voinovich, Kerrey, Breaux, Landrieu, Inhofe, Stevens, Bennett, Robb.
4. S. 1232, The Erroneous Retirement Coverage Corrections Act, Sens. Cochran, Akaka, Thompson, Lieberman, Warner, Sarbanes and Leahy.
5. H.R. 974, District of Columbia College Access Act, with amendments by Sen. Voinovich.
6. H.R. 457, S. 1334, the Organ Donor Leave Act, Sens. Akaka, Cochran, Frist, Levin, Stevens, Edwards, Durbin, Collins and Sarbanes.
7. Nomination of Earl Devaney to be Inspector General, Department of Interior.
U.S. Senate Committee on Homeland Security & Governmental Affairs
340 Dirksen Senate Office Building Washington, DC, 20510
(202) 224-4751