1. S. 1230, a bill to provide for additional responsibilities for the Chief Information Officer of the Department of Homeland Security relating to geospatial information.
2. S. 2347/H.R. 4012, a bill to amend the District of Columbia Access Act of 1999 to permanently authorize the public school and private school tuition assistance programs established under the Act.
3. S. 2409, a bill to provide for continued health benefits coverage for certain federal employees.
4. S. 2628, a bill to amend chapter 23 of title 5, United States Code, to clarify the disclosures of information protected from prohibited personnel practices, require a statement in nondisclosure policies, forms, and agreements that such policies, forms, and agreements conform with certain disclosure protections, provide certain authority for the Special Counsel, and for other purposes.
5. S. 2536, the Homeland Security Civil Rights and Civil Liberties Protection Act of 2004
6. S. 2635, a bill to establish an intergovernmental grant program to identify and develop homeland security information, equipment, capabilities, technologies, and services to further the homeland security needs of Federal, State, and local governments.
7. S. 2657, a bill to amend part III of title 5, United States Code, to provide for the establishment of programs under which supplemental dental and vision benefits are made available to Federal employees, retirees, and their dependents, to expand the contracting authority of the Office of Personnel Management, and for other purposes.
8. S. 2639, a bill to reauthorize the Congressional Award Act.
9. S. 2275, the High Risk Nonprofit Security Enhancement Act of 2004
10. S. 593, Reservists Pay Security Act of 2003
11. H.R. 3797, the 2004 District of Columbia Omnibus Authorization Act
12. S. 2688, a bill to provide for a report of Federal entities without annually audited financial statements.
Post Office Naming Bills
1. S. 2501/H.R. 4427, a bill to designate the facility of the United States Postal Service located at 73 South Euclid Avenue in Montauk, New York, as the “Perry B. Duryea, Jr. Post Office”.
2. S. 2640, a bill to designate the facility of the United States Postal Service located at 1050 North Hills Boulevard in Reno, Nevada, as the “Guardians of Freedom Memorial Post Office Building” and to authorize the installation of a plaque at such site, and for other purposes.
3. S. 2673, a bill to designate the facility of the United States Postal Service located at 1001 Williams Street, Ignacio, Colorado, as the “Leonard C. Burch Post Office Building”.
4. S. 2682, a bill to designate the facility of the United States Postal Service located at 222 West 8th Street, Durango, Colorado, as the “Ben Nighthorse Campbell Post Office Building”.
5. H.R. 3340, an act to redesignate the facilities of the United States Postal Service located at 7715 and 7748 S. Cottage Grove Avenue in Chicago, Illinois, as the “James E. Worsham Post Office” and the “James E. Worsham Carrier Annex Building”, respectively, and for other purposes.
6. H.R. 4222, an act to designate the facility of the Unites States Postal Service located at 550 Nebraska Avenue in Kansas City, Kansas, as the “Newell George Post Office Building.”
7. H.R. 4327, an act to designate the facility of the United States Postal Service located at 7450 Natural Bridge Road in St. Louis, Missouri, as the “Vitilas ‘Veto’ Reid Post Office Building”.
1. Neil McPhie to be Chairman, Merit Systems Protection Board
2. Barbara J. Sapin to be a Member, Merit Systems Protection Board
U.S. Senate Committee on Homeland Security & Governmental Affairs
340 Dirksen Senate Office Building Washington, DC, 20510
(202) 224-4751